Saturday, December 29, 2012

A mixed up, crazy, belated Christmas letter

Warning to procrastinators: when you plan on doing something one day before it needs to be done, chances are, you will get sick that day and it just won’t happen!!!!
 I figured I would keep with the tradition of sending out my Christmas letter on Christmas Eve like I have been doing for the last few years. (That and this year has been extremely busy, I figured it would be the only time I would have to actually sit down and write it.)  Two weeks before Christmas, my kids started coming down sick, and we all couldn’t just get it at the same time, it has to travel SLOWLY!  I have it now.  Got it right before Christmas and I am still dealing with it.  Today though, I can actually sit up long enough and have a clear enough head to right something coherent, or at least I think it is.  I won’t really know until after I am completely better.  So just bear with me.
    . . . . . Ok, so maybe my head is not thinking.  My kids are all a year older.  Same place, same station, nothing much new.  Oh I got a job. . . . Kind of.  It’s just an hour a day, but I love it.  I play the piano for the intermediate school choir.  It’s been fun.
    Ok really my head is not thinking, so if you want to know what has been happening all year, read my blog, ( which I haven’t updated for a while because I have no time, or find me on facebook.  There, now I don’t have to think.
    But I do want to wish you all a BELATED Merry Christmas and hope your new Year is filled with great blessings.  Love you all,

Elizabeth Spotten
P.S.  I do want to leave you with my testimony.  Every year it grows a little more as I see the tender mercies of a loving Heavenly Father.  I feel so extremely blessed.  I love my family, the area we live in, all my amazing friends and especially His gospel that has made all this possible.  Merry Christmas everyone.