Ok, I have 20 minutes to get this done. Ya, I realize it's been a long, long, long time since I made a post. During the summer, I was babysitting several kids along with my own making it quite crazy at times. I thought that once school was back in and I had ALL of my children in school, (yes I said all for the first time ever, my baby is now in school), life would slow down a bit; I would be able to spend more time on my music, cleaning . . . and blogging. That was a happy thought while it lasted. Things have only gotten more crazy. Because my youngest is in school, I told the school I could help out in each of the classrooms. Whoops. MJ's teacher called and asked me to be the music teacher for his class. (Now that one, I do love. I guess the school lost their funding for music, so they cut that part out. Not good - in my opinion.) All the other teachers also took advantage and I am now volunteering at the school for almost 4 hours a week. I love being there though, and I love being with my kids.
Then Ralph's school found out I could play the piano, so they asked me to be the accompanist for the choir there. That one though, they actually PAY me. It's only an hour a day, and it cost's 4 dollars in gas just to get there every day, but I totally love it. I love the choir director. I feel like I am going to school and learning so much, but I am actually getting paid for it this time.
So between all the volunteering, parent teacher conferences, school meeting, pta, hours of homework every night, and the new job, the only semi calm days I have left are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And it's canning season. So those days have been filled with bottling up foods. (I have had a huge desire to get more foods on our shelves.) I have been so grateful for neighbors who have given me so much of their produce when my garden once again fell short of what I needed. It just takes TIME! I even learned how to use my new pressure cooker my mother gave me (thanks mom) and I bottled 70 jars of BEANS, (those things take a lot of time but boy do they taste good), and 60 jars of tomatoes.
The sad part of it all is, I just don't have much time to spend on the creative side of music. I haven't written a song for a while, and I am really missing that. Plus, I really want to get my music on the internet, (like really bad) but that's totally taking a back seat right now while I am on this crazy roller coaster of a ride.
SE is in middle school this year, and her best friend moved away. She is really struggling, so any prayers in her behalf would really be appreciated. I wanted to pull her out of school so bad, but when the answer finally came after several weeks of praying, the simplified answer was, not now. I am so glad the Lord is in charge because man I would mess things up. But my heart aches for her. I just have to trust, right/ . . . and I do. It's the greatest comfort to know, when I can't be there for her at school and hold her, I know that someone else, so much more knowledgeable than me, is watching over her and helping her through this. The gospel is the greatest thing in my life. I am so incredibly grateful for a loving, kind, Heavenly Father who knows, hears and answers my prayers.
On the upbeat side, everyone else is doing great in school. MJ especially LOVES his teacher this year. Teachers really do make a HUGE difference.
Oops, it's been past my 20 minutes. I've gotta run to the school now . . . so until next time, and I have no idea when that will be, see ya.